my character
hi it's me,i'm 16 year old,and this year i am in october i am getting character is quite simple which is kind to everyone who is good to me.
I am a student from SMK Tunas Media, I was born on October 13 th. I have a very big dream and I am very ambitious to get it, which is to become one of the most influential people in the world. I have five brothers, I have 2 younger siblings from five siblings and I am the 3rd child from five siblings. I live in Depok, Indonesia. And I am proud to be an Indonesian child
hi it's me,i'm 16 year old,and this year i am in october i am getting character is quite simple which is kind to everyone who is good to me.
I am a candidate for photo editing, like the photo on the side, this is me and Fredy Sambo, which I edited to be my face, if I have free time, I fill it in for editing, like the example on the side.
My daily life is that I don't give up on assignments even though I'm often late submitting hehe. And I really like during basic graphic design lessons because my skills are there like photo editing and I know about Adobe
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